Feb 15 2010


I like to pretend that I have an ability to write and thus some of my webspace is dedicated to it. There’s not much to say about my writing, I’ve always had ideas for stories floating in my head, our lives are pretty full of interesting stories if you look closely enough. Before college I was able to indulge in writing a bit more, I pulled off three consecutive years of second place finishes in my high school writing contest (I don’t think what I wrote was dark enough) and even took a summer camp for writing. Didn’t see that coming huh?

I entertain every now and then ideas that I can make it big as some sort of fancy writer, but so do many of us as well. In the meantime, I’ll try and find the time and space to write (hopefully) interesting pieces of fiction. I don’t really have a theme that I usually work in, but a lot of what I write inevitably turns into some sort of romance themed piece of work. Yep, I’m a romantic as well (who saw that coming!).

This time for my writing section, instead of writing a page from scratch I’m using WordPress, mainly because I love the organization it gives me on the backend. However, this means that stories, if I write out of order, will be mixed up on the site because of the built in chronological sorting of the blog. I suggest using the categories tab in the sidebar to find all posts related to a certain piece of writing I’m working on.

I can’t claim I’ll do this with any regularity or even skill. I just hope there’ s enough here to keep you checking in every now and then for a little entertainment. By all means, please leave comments. Let me know what you think and definitely correct my spelling and grammar. Thanks for stopping by.

(Shameless plug: If you’re interested, my personal blog is here – http://www.rolandcarlos.net/blog. Feel free to comment on the details of my daily life there.)